
Rereading: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

So… I know that I’ve read this (all the way back in 2013). But a friend of a friend was giving away books and when I saw this in the stack, I remembered that I fairly enjoyed it my first round and asked if I could give this and one other book a new home. Now that I’ve reread it, I finally looked at my original review and I think I enjoyed The Happiness Project a lot more this time round.

In some ways, The Happiness Project is similar to Practically Perfect in Every Way, where an author attempts a year-long project to improve an already good life. The difference is that Practically Perfect in Every Way focuses a lot more on implementing advice from self-help books while The Happiness Project takes a much broader look and considers advice from other genres as well.

What I really liked on this reread was the Gretchen’s personal journey. She talks a lot about how things are working out for her, and since she and I seem pretty similar (I’d like to join that YA bookclub!!), a lot of what she tries either sounds appealing or like something I should be doing.

And as a side note, I was pretty happy to see the 15-minute method – the idea that you should grab pockets of time to do small tasks (e.g. draft a blogpost, create one graphic, etc) rather than wait for a few hours to work on a big task – in there! Clearly I should have learnt from this on my first read of this book because it’s been super helpful to me in the last few months!

I’ve got to say, I’m a lot more tempted to try a year-long project now. The idea of focusing on a certain aspect for each month sounds doable, and I really need to build up more habits. I’ve been working on exercising and writing this year and it’s going decently, so maybe I can start working in more hobbies and other things that I want to do but haven’t started yet.

Well, I’ve got a few more months to procrastinate on this.

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