
Book Review: Freewomen, Patriarchal Authority, and the Accusation of Prostitution by Stephanie Lynn Budin

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have ever found this book, let along read it, but when Mamapan (aka Hanfugirl) asks you to read something, you read it. And I’m glad she recommended this book because I never realised how many women have been unfairly classified as prostitutes throughout history. As the title makes it clear, Freewomen, Patriarchal… Read More Book Review: Freewomen, Patriarchal Authority, and the Accusation of Prostitution by Stephanie Lynn Budin


SustainabiliTEA: Yutani Tea

Hi friends! It’s time for another SustainabiliTEA profile and today, we’re going back to Japan to talk to Yutani Tea (their Japanese name is 城州ゆたに山口製茶処), who is on Instagram as Ohbuku Valley. I spoke to Yamaguchi-san (山口), who was born in Yuyadani (湯屋谷) in Uji, Kyoto. His family has been making tea for over 300… Read More SustainabiliTEA: Yutani Tea


Book Review: Longing and Other Stories by Jun’ichiro Tanizaki

I chanced upon Longing and Other Stories when I was browsing NetGalley and since I like Japanese culture (this might be a bit of an understatement), I decided to request this book! I’ve not read anything by Jun’ichiro Tanizaki before, so this evocative work was an interesting experience for me. Longing and Other Stories is… Read More Book Review: Longing and Other Stories by Jun’ichiro Tanizaki