
Book Review: The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Allison Barr

“Instead of looking different in how we treated women, Christians looked just like everyone else.” With the news of how the Southern Baptist Convention failed victims of abuse in order to protect male leaders in the Church coming so soon after news of how John MacArthur shamed and excommunicated a woman who refused to take… Read More Book Review: The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Allison Barr


Book Review: Freewomen, Patriarchal Authority, and the Accusation of Prostitution by Stephanie Lynn Budin

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have ever found this book, let along read it, but when Mamapan (aka Hanfugirl) asks you to read something, you read it. And I’m glad she recommended this book because I never realised how many women have been unfairly classified as prostitutes throughout history. As the title makes it clear, Freewomen, Patriarchal… Read More Book Review: Freewomen, Patriarchal Authority, and the Accusation of Prostitution by Stephanie Lynn Budin