
Miss Buncle’s Book

As I make my way through my TBR list, I’m finding books that I’ve completely forgotten about and come as a delightful surprise to read. Miss Buncle’s Book is one of them. Barbara Buncle is in desperate straits. Her dividends have decreased to the point where they really aren’t enough and she has to think… Read More Miss Buncle’s Book

EusReads, TacoTravels

Books I’m Reading Before Going to England

It is a truth almost universally acknowledged that the person planning a trip turns into a tyrant within twenty-four hours. Ok, perhaps tyrant is an overstatement, but I definitely went overboard with a twenty-six page (and counting!) itinerary. Part of the itinerary included reading recommendations and they are growing every single day. So far, the books… Read More Books I’m Reading Before Going to England