With Love from Japan

Yukata Time!

So last Sunday, I was invited to wear Yukata and eat Kakikoori (Japanese shaved ice) by the Kimono shop. Since I don’t have a chance to wear my Yukatas very often (and I’m pretty terrible at putting them on myself), I jumped at the chance. “Dark” photo This time, I chose to wear the Yukata… Read More Yukata Time!

With Love from Japan

Kimono Baito

Last week, I posted this photo and asked you guys to guess what baito (part time job) I went to: And, +Whitney Yee got it right! Dingdingding *throws confetti* By the way, this is an excellent time to circle me on Google+. I share loads of things there, not just about Japan, but also about reading, writing,… Read More Kimono Baito