
Tea 101: Water in Tea

Second post in this series and I thought that I’d talk about a part of tea that is vital to the beverage but not really considered [1]: water. To me, water is water, but there are apparently three things to consider. 1. Hardness of the waterThe book that I’m using (Black Tea Bible) divides water… Read More Tea 101: Water in Tea

EusTea, TacoTravels

Tea 101: What is Okinawa’s Bukubuku Tea (ブクブク茶)?

When it was decided that my sister and I were going to Okinawa, I decided to try and see if there was anything interesting tea-wise. Well, I found Bukubuku Tea (ブクブク茶), which is unlike anything that I’ve ever seen before! What is Bukubuku Tea (ブクブク茶)? Bukubuku tea, a type of furicha, is a traditional Okinawan… Read More Tea 101: What is Okinawa’s Bukubuku Tea (ブクブク茶)?