With Love from Japan

Sakura 2014: Fukuoka Castle (Night)

You know, I just realised that I’ll be in Singapore for the entire sakura season next year. Oh well, labeling the post with the year makes things easier for me.

So after I made one trip to Fukuoka Castle to see the sakura, I decided that I should make a second trip to see the Sakura light up. And since I happened to have a 5pm to 6pm tuition session at Akasaka (not the closest station to the castle, but definitely walkable).

And guess what? Using a different entrance means that you can different things. Like this sunset:

There were a lot of people having a hanami party there too:
I would like to attend a hanami at least once, but the SSAJ only holds them in Tokyo :/ 
But yes, wandering around Fukuoka Castle ruins shows that there are a lot of sakura trees. A lot more than I imagined actually. 
In order to see all the sakura from high, I went to this platform-like place (whose name I’ve embarrassingly forgotten) and paid 300yen to be let in. Well, it was worth seeing the sunset from there. 
Random sunset photo
I even saw this cute little doggie! (two and a half years old, according to her owners)
I actually had plenty of time while waiting for the sun to set. 
Why yes, this is the photo I took with my iPad and shared on Google plus. 
Here’s a panorama, since I like them so much: 
You know all those “wish you were here” postcards? Well, this time, I sincerely wished someone was here. It’s a pity that my sisters came (and left) a week too early, but the Singapore school system is not to be trifled with. 
And once the sun is set, I took another panorama! 
This is the main lightup, but I did see another row of sakura that were brilliantly lit up. This one was full of people taking photos. 
This is one of them. 

The next picture would be of the row of sakura trees that were lighted up.

Look at the little kids posing!  
If you walk down this row, you’ll come to a second paid area, which I didn’t go into. Instead, I decided to go home. 
And ended up getting lost. I left by a completely different exit (how many exits and entrances does this place have anyway?) and had no idea where the station was. Luckily, I spotted a family and managed to get directions to them, walking all the way to Ohorikoen station. 
Just before I entered the station, I passed by the front of the castle again and managed to snap this picture. 
I hope you enjoyed these photos! I have one more sakura post to make, so watch out for it! 

What do you think?