With Love from Japan

Kyushu University Lessons: Bahasa Indonesia I (入門インドネシア語I)

Hari ini ujian Bahasa Indonesia!

Today was my Bahasa Indonesia exam! So I figured that I’ll use today to talk about the class while it’s still fresh in my memory.

So, why did I take Bahasa Indonesia? Well, I have a lot of Indonesian friends, so it’s always been one of the lessons that I want to learn. And I’m so glad that I took the class this semester.

Unlike a lot of other language classes, which focus on translation, this class focuses on speaking Indonesian. In fact, our final exam is as follows:

a. Speech (we had to prepare it beforehand – anyone interested in hearing it?)
b. Answer questions about Speech
c. Read a passage
d. Answer questions about the passage
e. Shiritori game (Basically, if given a word like “nama”, the next work must start with the last letter, so something like “adalah” and so on).

And yes, the whole thing was done in Bahasa Indonesia. I’m feeling pretty proud of myself, since I managed to pass the test!

The teacher is Ibu Fabiola, and since she’s from Indonesian, you know that you’re learning the correct pronunciation. While every class starts off with a test, I found it to be a great way to keep on learning, and I think for this semester, this is the class that I learnt the most in.

Plus, the lessons are really fun. Every now and then, we digress, and I have learnt about things like: toilets in Indonesia, things that you can buy from your house (apparently, the tukang odong-odong is a portable merry-go-round man), what to do when you catch a cold, etc.

We even got Kueh Lapis once! 

And after our final exam, it’s apparently customary to go out for a meal together! Since there are no good Indonesian restaurants around (there is one, but it’s really expensive and the portions are small), we went to a Thai restaurant in Tenjin. Take a look at the food:

Lychi and Mangosteen! Oh how I’ve missed the fruit

Again, no photos of people that I can upload, since I forgot to ask permission.

First course. Then I was too busy to take any more photos. 

So, how strongly do you recommend this class? 

If you have an interest in Bahasa Indonesia, you should definitely take this class! I’m planning to take the second class in the next semester if I can!

Details and other Misc. stuff:

The class syllabus can be found here
And I created a memrise course for this class (it helped immensely when it came to memorising the words) which you can find here.

What do you think?