And with my week 2 update, I can say that I’m back on track!! I’ve made it to 24076 words, which means that I’m slightly over the target for today!
It’s been a tough week – I’ve managed to write a bit more than 1667 per day most of the time, but there were days like yesterday where my class lasted for 6.5 hours and my brain was too tired, or that the words wouldn’t come. I can’t do much about brain tiredness, but the beats thing is seriously helping (I think I mentioned that in the last post too?).
Just realise I was taking screenshots last year! (That’s how little I use this blog) I’m too late for last week, but here’s this week’s screenshot:

The first days of exile were never easy. Up until then, the other lands had always been something that he read about in books. They were good for dreaming, not so much for living.
Pendragon opened the chest he was allowed to bring with him. He had opted for the minimal amount of clothes in favour of as many books as possible. Of course, this presented difficulties in moving the chest, but making it grow legs didn’t take that much energy. Now though, it was sitting quietly in the middle of the boat, as Pendragon waited for a passing ship to pick him up.
But the ocean was wide, and there were no ships to be found. None in the right direction, anyway. One day, Pendragon swore, one day he would ride the grandest ship ever built back to his homeland, where he would be feted as the visionary he truly was. But until then, he had to find a new place to live. He looked at the setting sun and sighed. Another day gone. That made five.
Five days since his sentence was handed down. Three days since he last saw land. And all because of the little book that he was holding in his hand.
How’s everyone’s NaNo going? Are you keeping up with the word count?