Taco's Stories

Giveaway + Fairy Tale Podcasts I’m Listening To

Guess what? I’ve started my first ever book giveaway! There’s absolutely no need for you to pay to enter, and you can win paperback copies of The Nutcracker King and Beauty’s Daughter! So if you only have the ebook copies and want the paperbacks to give to someone, or for yourself, then please enter at the link. To repeat

If you want a chance of winning more free stuff, do check out this group giveaway that I’m taking part in (you can win a free kindle + books in the form of an Amazon gift card), or a giveaway for an Amazon Gift Card and a free copy of an upcoming book over at M.N. Arzu’s site. If you have not read Undercurrent, the first in the series, you should do so. It’s a fantastic mermaid story.

Since I’m giving away two books based on fairytales, I thought I’d also share the three fairy-tale related podcasts that I’ve found (and been binging on) recently. Definitely check out:

1. When Wishing Still Helped: I’m not sure if it’s been discontinued, since there are only nine episodes, and hasn’t been updated in some time, but this podcasts discusses the meaning behind various fairytales.

2. Myths and Legends: A retelling of various myths and legends from King Arthur to Greek Myths and I even saw a Japanese and Chinese myths! There’s also a creature of the week segment, if you need monstrous inspiration. No discussion here, but I like listening to the stories. This podcast is regularly updated.

3. Singing Bones: This podcast focuses on the history behind fairy tales, including the variants of fairytales. The last episode was on December 9th, but it seems to be updated sporadically so hopefully a new episode will be released soon.

The links lead to the websites of the three podcasts, which should either let you listen to the episodes directly or lead you to where you can find them. Happy listening and do remember to enter the giveaway!

What do you think?