I was originally going to do a review of the two sakura teas I had, but like I mentioned earlier, one of them went missing before I had the chance to try them. It’s a mysteary and a source of sadness (okay, I exaggerate. Somewhat) for me but at least I still have this left!
According to the description, this is “a black tea with cherry leaves are [sic] scented with sweet strawberry flavour” and it’s a spring limited tea. I actually got it last spring, but I didn’t have the blog then so I couldn’t actually review it.
The tea smells sweet and strong strawberry taste (and aftertaste). It’s very pleasant, although it doesn’t really resemble the Sakura teas I know. Then again, my experience of sakura teas that aren’t flavoured teas tend to be something along the lines of “salty cherry flavour”, so that may be for the best. This is more like a sweet berry blend tea than a sakura tea. It’s not particularly original, but it’s not offputting if you’re new to flavoured teas.
Plus, if I’m being honest, I bought this tea mainly for the tin, so I can’t really complain that much about the taste.
The brewing directions for one cup (150ml) of tea are:
Amount: 2.5 to 3 grams
Water: Boiling water
Brewing time: 2.5 to 3 minutes
You can infuse the tea leaves up to two times, although the taste is noticeably less on the second infusion.