It’s time for another round of quick tea reviews! This might actually be the last post I do here (unless I’m doing a roundup of teas drunk on a trip) because I’ve recently decided to be more active on Instagram and all the mini-tea reviews will probably end up there instead. Fingers crossed I don’t get sucked down the Instagram rabbit hole because if I do, I’ll probably have to just get off the platform.
On to the teas!
Newby’s Milk Oolong

When I saw this, I assumed it was going to be a Jin Xuan but it’s not! It’s actually a milk-flavoured oolong, so it’s on the sweet side. Perhaps because of the flavouring, the oolong notes don’t really come through. It’s not a bad tea, but it isn’t for me.
Tea Cottage’s Premium Lapsang Souchong

To be honest, this was a little disappointing. When I think of Lapsang Souchong, I expect smokiness in the tea. Most of the time, my worry is that the tea is too smoky. This tea, however, went the opposite way. There was absolutely no smoky note.
On one hand, this makes it easy for people who are new to tea to drink it. On the other hand, it kind of takes away the distinctiveness that Lapsang Souchong holds.
Arinobu Tea’s Fresh Verdure Sencha

This teabag stands!!! And it is absolutely the first thing I noticed. Apparently, the teabag can be used twice, so they made a standing teabag case/wrapper to let the teabag rest between brews. It’s a pretty thoughtful touch.
In terms of taste, it was pretty good. I didn’t really get the long-lasting aftertaste mentioned but I don’t drink Japanese green tea for that so I didn’t miss it. I did notice a bit of a roasted rice note, which reminded me of genmaicha. Overall, I liked this and would drink it again if I could afford it.
The 1872 Clipper Tea Co.’s Classic English Breakfast

I’m a fan of The 1872 Clipper Tea’s blends so I wasn’t disappointed by their Classic English breakfast. It’s dependable black tea that you can count on to perk up your morning routines.
Pin Tea’s Amoy Ahoy

Pin Tea is a local brand that creates teas based on various neighbourhoods in Singapore. Their Amoy Ahoy is a an oolong with a fairly strong smoky note (though it isn’t as strong as the Shui Xian I got in Hong Kong). It’s a pretty pleasant tea and I look forward to trying the other samples in the house.
Not Tea: Milk Tea Gummies!!!

Ok, this isn’t tea but it’s way too cute not to talk about: Tapioca Pearl Milk Tea Gummies! It looks exactly like the pearls found in bubble tea and it tastes like it when you first try it. But as you chew, the milk tea flavour grows stronger, until it feels like you’re having a cup of bubble tea. Interestingly, the kids I teach found this way too sweet, while my friends thought that the sweetness level was fine.
One thing I really like about tea samples is that I get to try a variety of teas without having to commit to one. Of course, this means I can’t do a deep dive and properly taste it to review, but at least I can tell if I want to drink more of this.
Featured Image: Photo by Me
I love a smoky Lapsang Souchong; it reminds me of Autumn! But, I recently discovered that unsmoked Lapsang is a thing. It was one of those moments that made me feel like such a newbie. (The tea ended up being really nice).
Oh really? That sounds really odd but I guess mine must have been unsmoked!