Happy Chinese New Year!
I’ll be spending the next few days eating and meeting up with family. Hopefully I’ll have time to read too – I will definitely be drinking tea because I bought Year of the Rat Tea which I intend to make everyone drink.
My brother and I made pineapple tarts at Church the other day and I wanted to share some photos because it’s such a typical CNY food:

My brother decided to make normal pineapple tarts while my table decided to indulge our creative spirits. You can see a few mouse tarts (although tails fell off during baking), a fish-shaped tart, a curry puff tart, and even an egg tart using the egg that was for glazing.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, my brother’s tarts got the most praise at home. My grandmother did say that the edges of my curry puff were done correctly, so I’ve got that going for me.
In other news, the vintage tea ware I ordered before the end of the year has arrived! I know that every time I buy more tea cups I say that it’s the last time for a while but this was just too pretty to resist.

I fell in love with the acorn and leaf pattern, not to mention the gorgeous blue colour! To round things off, I got a cake plate and a sugar + milk set. I think I’m ready to host a tea party at home now!
Those tarts look great!
Thank you!