
Mental Health Monday #5: Calming Hobbies

I hope everyone’s been doing okay obeying the circuit breaker/quarantine/shelter-in-place/movement control orders! It’s pretty amazing how many names can be given to the instruction “don’t leave your house.”

While I have been reading (and have quite a few book review drafts waiting to be posted), I find that the most calming things I can do nowadays are baking and embroidery. Reading is built into my schedule and I think that may not have been a good idea because now, whenever I read, I start thinking about whether I could be doing something more productive.

But when I’m baking or trying to sew on some flowers, I can’t really give my attention to something else. If I do so, there’s a good chance that I’ll mess things up. So by the time the flower is sewn on or the strawberry tarts are done, I feel a lot calmer (and have something to show for it, so I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time).

All those cookbooks that I bought and have never used are finally being put to use! And I just got a vintage dress that has a small patch on it – perfect for being covered up with embroidery.

To be honest, keeping positive while on circuit breaker mode is hard. Staying home is the right thing to do, but I do feel rather useless compared to the front-line workers out there. Plus, I never thought that I would crave human interaction and just being out doors this much.

Baking and sewing has been some of the few things keeping me sane. I know it’s not for everyone, but I hope that you’ve been able to find something to keep you happily occupied during these difficult times.

(I know this has been a self-reflective and probably unhelpful Mental Health Monday post, but here are two cool articles by the Atlantic and CNN on the benefits of baking and crafting)

6 thoughts on “Mental Health Monday #5: Calming Hobbies

  1. Self-care is so important right now, when tensions are so high and there is so much uncertainty. And that includes spending time on hobbies that make you feel calm and good. I count working on my blog as one of mine, especially since I haven’t been able to focus on my reading much. I am glad you have baking and embroidery.

    1. At the beginning, it felt like I’d been given the gift of time to read (and write and blog) and I felt terrible when I couldn’t do any of those things. It’s a good thing I found new things or I would have driven myself crazy!

  2. Feeling useless was my big struggle for the first few weeks … I’m almost done my training to be a front-line, but because of that big ol’ “student” label, I’m mostly a legal liability. It sucks just sitting here.

    Thank goodness for crafts and gardens. I’m channeling all my frustration into this year’s strawberry crop. (They’re going to be the best strawberries ever!)

    1. I can’t imagine the frustration for you – especially since the hospitals are overloaded! Big hugs to you! I’m sure your strawberries are going to be awesome this year! Please post a mini-update when they’re fully grown!

What do you think?