Jennifer from Out of Babel tagged me in this fascinating book tag and I couldn’t resist! What would fictional characters do in quarantine/circuit breaker/MCO/lockdown? Like her, I’m going to imagine the characters in their own worlds!
- Take 5 or more of your favorite book characters and imagine what they would be doing if they were quarantined with us in the real world.
- You can have them be in their own squad if you want, or working on their own.
- Tag 5 friends.
- Link back to this post and credit Reader Voracious.
Secret Series by Enid Blyton

I imagine that instead of staying at their parent’s house and being cooped up, Mike, Peggy, Nora, and Jack would run away to their secret island and stay there for the whole quarantine period. After all, they’d be the only people there and they’ll be free to roam as much as they please.
Prince Paul would be welcome – if he hadn’t been taken back to Baronia to be with his family!
The Secret Garden

Mary and Colin would have some fun in the first few weeks just running around the house and exploring every nook and cranny, but they’ll soon get on each other nerves and I imagine some pretty big quarrels would occur. Sadly, Dickon would be stuck in his cottage and unable to help calm things down.
Luckily for Mary and Colin, they have the grounds and their secret garden to work out their quarrels. Dickon would be taking advantage of the daily walk to roam about the moor as much as he can without meeting others.
Pride and Prejudice

Elizabeth won’t have any problems staying on the grounds of Pemberley. In fact, I think she, Darcy, and Georgiana would welcome the excuse not to have to meet with others.
But that doesn’t mean that there’s no work to be done. Darcy would be pre-occupied with making sure that all the tenants under his care have enough food and medical attention if they need it, while Elizabeth will have her hands full trying to persuade Mrs Bennet not to break quarantine and visit them.
Brave Story

I don’t think Wataru and his mother would be living in anything bigger than a typical Japanese 2DK since there’s only two of them, so he would be bored out of his mind and dreaming of Vision every day. But as he thinks about his time in Vision and his friends, Wataru would be reminded about the things that he’s learnt and be motivated to be a pillar of strength for his mother. He spends a lot of his free time playing video games as well, relieving his days as Wataru the Brave in a more lighthearted manner.
Lola Rose

The Trout, where Jayni and Kenny move to with their mum, would have been closed during quarantine. But since Auntie Barbara is sensible, she would have put away enough money that they don’t need to worry about their finances… for now.
Nikki, Jayni and Kenny’s mum, on the other hand, would not be happy in quarantine. All her paramours will not be coming to The Trout and she’s desperate to move her latest boyfriend in so that she can have someone with her (she’s not moving out since her kids are there, though there are days where she’s tempted because she worries that Barbara is a better mother figure). But Barbara and Jayni work together to keep Nikki (and Kenny) relatively occupied and stop her from making rash decisions.
What do you think? If you’ve read the books, do you think my scenarios are realistic? I’m not tagging anyone, but please feel free to do this if you’re inclined!
Super fun! I haven’t read most of these, but I love what you’ve done with the Darcys!
I also love the photographs, especially the one illustrating Brave Story.
Thank you! Haha, the Darcys were fun to imagine, especially knowing what we do about Mrs Bennet!