
Daily Reading: 17th May//A Short Break

I’ve mentioned it before, but the work-from-home thing has really gotten into full swing now that the factory is up (and I have work to do) which means that… I’m pretty tired. So I took a break from the daily blogging on Friday and yesterday. I wanted to take a complete weekend break from the Internet, but I woke up on Saturday with some work tasks and spent the morning tidying up. Then, there was a social zoom event which was fun but also left me feeling like I had more than enough screen time.

So I took the night off to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild and I spent today baking, finishing up Brave Story, and playing more Breath of the Wild. I put my phone in another room and took it out only to take phones of my bakewell tarts and it was gloriously freeing.

It feels a bit odd to be taking a small break just before I start an Instagram course but I think this was needed. Managing the balance between social media time and downtime is tricky so while I’m sorry to have not scheduled anything for the past two days, I’m not sorry to have taken the break (is this where #sorrynotsorry comes from?)

As for Brave Story, it turned out to be the thing that I needed! Vision as a fantasy world is so different from this life that it ended up providing a good escape. I really enjoyed this reread of the book and I kind of regret leaving it alone for so long? But then again it’s 800 pages and not the easiest thing to just pick up and reread.

I’m planning to try and bake a bit more next weekend, so I will combine this week’s bake and next week’s for a proper post! (Also, I’m currently a bit too tired to think about my thoughts about the bake, if that makes sense? I just wanted to come and talk about the break – which makes for a bad daily reading post but at least I mentioned the book?)

What do you think?