As you might have been able to tell, I’m a big fan of Making Public Declarations in order to hold myself accountable for things that I want to do. In that vein, here’s a list of books that are on my TBR list (some have been there for far too long) that I am determined to get to sooner or later.
The Jackaby Series by William Ritter – Every time I see Em @ A Geeky Jock talk about this series, I tell myself that I must read the second one. On the bright side, it’s only been a year and five months since I read the first book, so I have hope that I can read the second one before two years have passed.
Inspector Chen novels by Qiu Xiaolong – Recommended to me by Warren (who also recommended another detective series that I must get started on soon) I enjoyed the one Inspector Chen I read last year and wanted to read more. Clearly, the TBR pile monster has prevented that from happening.
My Calamity Jane by the Lady Janies – Luckily for me, this one just came out so I feel comfortable ignoring it a bit longer (plus, it’s a Western which isn’t really my genre). But I really liked the second book and loved the first, so I feel like I have to read this third book sooner or later.
Zamonia Books by Walter Moers – I have read and enjoyed The 13 1/2 lives of Captain Bluebear & The Labyrinth of Books which means I should be reading more Zamonia books. Obviously.
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery – I’ve read up to Anne’s House of Dreams!! Please hound me until I read Anne of Ingleside because I’m so close to finishing the series and I always enjoy the books when I read them. It’s just that it takes me really long to read the next book.
Wyntertide by Andrew Caldecott – this is the sequel to Rotherweird, which I enjoyed and I like weird towns so why have I not hunted a copy of this down? I have no idea.
Naomi Novak (in general) – I love Uprooted so I don’t know why I have not read Spinning Silver or that newest book that sounds great. Why, Eustacia, Why???
Lady Trent Books by Marie Brennan – I really loved the first book in Brennan’s Onyx Court series, and since the remaining books aren’t available in the library, I’ve been meaning to read the Lady Trent Books. As you can tell, I have not gotten around to it.
I’ve previously pondered about whether TBR Lists should be achievable, and while I generally enjoy having a long list, it also means that there are a lot of books that I want to read but never get round to. Here’s hoping that I will be able to read a few of the above-mentioned books sooner rather than later! If you have an opinion of which of these I should prioritise, please let me know!
The only book I’ve read out of all of this is the first Anne of Green Gables book! I can’t wait to hear what you think of them all!
Thank you!! I will pick up the next book soon(ish, I hope :p)
I recently read the first of the Lady Trent books, but still need to read the others. It was a lot of fun though.
Oooh! Okok, Lady Trent is moving up the TBR list!
I have read When Red Is Black (Inspector Chen) but somehow lost interest after finding out it’s part of a series. I’m more of a trilogy person. It’s also why I’ve abandoned many manga series over the years. Can’t get past anything that doesn’t end at 10 volumes. LOL 🙈
Hahaha good point about the manga! Maybe following Detective Conan is training for long series :p
Gosh, didn’t realise Anne of Green Gables was part of a series! Not sure how that’s passed me by…
I think the first book is the most well known! I didn’t know it was a series until I saw other people talking about the latter books (and that was probably… last year?)
I came here to politely remind you of Jackaby 😉 And am so glad to see its #1 on your list! It will happen when the time is right!
Haha yes! And hopefully that right time is soon!
Well, autumn is a good time for mysteries! 😀
I love lists like this! The dream is real! Haha. I do hope you can get to all of these. I really liked Uprooted as well, but haven’t yet read more by her. I really want to Brennan’s series. I haven’t started it, but I hear it’s good.
Dream big, right? Hopefully we can get around to all the books on our TBR!
Lol! I love making public declarations too but I lack the discipline to hold myself to them.
I’d also like to read the Lady Trent books. I was hoping to start on them this year, but I’m not sure.
It seems like the Lady Trent books are on a lot of TBR lists! I hope you can read them soon!
I’ve wanted to read Jackaby after seeing it once at a book fair. I never saw it again anywhere else and actually forgot about it until now. These series’ you’ve listed out seem interesting and have a fair bit of mystery to their plots. I lost interest in My Lady Jane after it being on my TBR for a fairly long time though I think it’s one of those books that will make for fun reading on cosy days!
I love mysteries so that may be a reason. I think Jackaby is available in the library, so you could find a copy there too!