
Quick Tea Reviews: Karel Capek Tea Box

Earlier this year, my friend gave me a box of Karel Capek teas! I’ve actually ordered a lot more since then (think they are on the way to Singapore) but in the mean time, I’ve been having a lot of fun with these.

Since they’re just individual teabags, I thought I’d just write some quick reviews of these, partly as a reference for myself for my next purchase, and partly in case it could be useful to anyone looking to get a box.

Karel Capek Tea Box Contents

The teas in this box were: Refresh Green Tea, Cream Chocolate Tea, Girl’s Tea, Ruhuna, Birthday Tea, White Peach Tea, Royal Apple, Nuwara Eliya, Daily Spice Chai, Earl Grey. There are more flavoured than straight teas in here, but there’s a nice variety of flavours.

Tasting Notes

Refresh Green Tea – This was the only tea that I’ve had before and my thoughts are pretty much the same as my review of it earlier.

Karel Capek Chocolate Cream

Cream Chocolate Tea – This smells like chocolate (especially right after opening) and is surprisingly pleasant. The tea is sweet (without being too sweet), refreshing and goes well with brownies! I like it even though I’m normally not a fan of chocolate teas.

Karel Capek Girls Tea

Girl’s Tea – This is basically a strawberry tea and it tastes like what you’d imagine. It’s like drinking strawberry candy (the hard candy, if anyone knows what I mean) and thankfully it’s not too sweet either.

Karel Capek Ruhuna

Ruhuna – This is a straight black tea from Ruhuna and it’s very sweet and malty with low astringency and no bitterness. The sweetness is really present in the scent as well. Overall a very delicious tea and one of my favourite teas in the box.

Karel Capek Birthday Tea

Birthday – This is a berry flavoured black tea and it reminds me a bit of Rose Royal for some reason. I generally enjoy berry-flavoured teas so of course I enjoyed this. It also brightened up my quarantine stay!

Karel Capek White Peach Tea

White Peach Tea – I drank halfway through my quarantine and soon after trying Lupicia’s Momo Vert (sencha with peach). Personally, I like this better because it’s a blend of peach with black tea, so there’s no umami from the sencha to meddle with the peach notes. Another enjoyable tea.

Royal Apple – It smells like apple juice when you open it and the taste of the tea balances the flavour of apple with black tea pretty well. I’m really impressed with how Karel Capek has consistently made their blends work

Nuwara Eliya – One of the few straight teas, this reminds me of a lighter version of a darjeeling (which, in turn, reminds me of a Chinese black tea), actually! It’s not very sweet and pretty delicate in terms of taste.

Daily Spice Chai – I purposely drank this without milk because the packet says I can. As far as chai blends go, it’s pretty mild, and can indeed be drunk straight, but is not my favourite. I think that one amazing chai I had at a friend’s home tainted all other chai blends.

Earl Grey – The last tea I drank, I was feeling pretty positive about the blend even though I normally don’t like Earl Grey and I wasn’t disappointed. The bergamot isn’t too strong, which is the most important thing for me, and the taste of the black tea comes through.

Overall Thoughts

Overall, I’m super impressed with this box and it has converted me into a hardcore Karel Capek fan. Not only are their teabag designs lovely, they’ve been consistently great at balancing the notes of their flavoured teas. I kinda wish I found them while I was in Japan, because then it would be much easier to buy and try all their teas. Still, I look forward to my haul!

8 thoughts on “Quick Tea Reviews: Karel Capek Tea Box

  1. I’m going through my Karel Capek order now. Thanks for sharing what I have to look forward to! I’ve had Milk Caramel Tea and Nuwara Eliza so far. Have you had the Milk Caramel Tea yet…is it much different from Ruhuna? I normally drink herbal teas so getting a little bit of caffeine has been interesting!

    1. Hi! I don’t know if I had the milk caramel, but I think I’ve had the caramel and the caramel taste was really strong, it’s quite different from an unflavored tea like Nuwara Eliya! But I hope you enjoy them!

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