I have been dealing with some stomach problems, which means that I haven’t been able to drink as much tea as I’d like. So, looking at my teacups is a substitute (of sorts) and got me to actually work on this post instead of sighing at the thought of how much I’ve purchased.
I hope you’re enjoying all the teacup spam
First up, my Melba flower teacups!! I’m more than a little in love with these because they are just gorgeous! These were made by Mayer & Sherratt and the stamp was used between 1907 – 1941. These two flower-handle teacups are from the Art Deco period and although the flower on the handle looks a bit hard to hold, they are actually really nice to use!

Next is this Imari-esque teacup duo from Royal Albert. I cannot understand the backstamp page on the Royal Albert Patterns website, but from what I can google, the teacup is probably from the 1920s to 1930s since it’s labelled as “Royal Albert Crown China”. I actually brought this with me to the hanfu photo-shoot session because I thought it would go really well (and I think it did? Photos to come!)

This really cute one is relatively new – it’s part of the Royal Albert Scottish Tartan series, and as a Macleod tartan, dates from after 1962 through the 1970s. Sadly, it seems to have got a crack down one side and though I haven’t had any leaks (yet), I’ll probably have to retire this one from regular rotation.

Next up is a set of tea cups from Clare Bone China. This was originally a set of four duos, but I’ve brought two into Malaysia. I can’t actually find any information about the backstamps for these, but according to the Etsy seller these would be from the 1950s.

I really like how the gilt (is that the right word?) was used to create flowers on this trio! The backstamp says “Mayfair” but I haven’t been able to find out when this was made.

And here’s another similar trio, because obviously I like these kinds of patterns. The backstamp on this one says “Crown Royal” and according to The Potteries (which is an amazing resource if you’re like me and new to the world of vintage teacups), “it is probable that Crown Royal was a manufacturer bought up by Colclough China Ltd – or more likely a trade name used by Colclough.” No date was given for when this piece would have been made.
The “age of teacup” problems continue with my final few, because these last few are all unmarked! If I take the sellers at their word, both these sets would be from the early 1900s, making them well over a hundred years old! The yellow set of four was recently used for my cousin’s wedding tea ceremony – I think it was originally a coffee cup, but the size is great for tea too!
And these are, as far as I can tell, all the teacups that I’ve bought since I made my first “teacup collection” post. I am, as always, aiming not to buy anything for the next few months, but let’s see how strong my willpower is.
These are all beautiful!
Thank you!!
Oh my gosh! These are all gorgeous! Love your collection here.
Thank you!! I really need to bring these out more so I can fully appreciate them!
Pretty! I think my favourite is Crown Royal.
I love that one too! (Evidently because I bought another one in a similar pattern 😂😂)
We have such great taste! 😀
Hey. Came across this article and thought it might interest you. 😝https://www.vogue.com/article/thanks-to-bridgerton-fancy-tea-sets-have-become-the-new-home-must-have
I love this! Thank you for sharing, I’m going to go share it with my friends as proof my teacup collection is on-trend!
The white cup with the gold and blue detailing is 100% my favourite!!!
It’s a gorgeous piece!! If I’m not wrong, it’s handpainted which makes it that much more amazing imo!
Oh my gosh I love that!!