I’ve actually been pretty good with finishing my tea blends so I decided that I can open two new packets this week! This first one is from Bird and Blend Tea Co. and it’s part of their Autumn Sampler Pack. I really like the 20g package because it’s relatively easy to finish but I still get to drink the tea a couple of times.
The description of Violet Cream Tea from the Bird and Blend website:
A chocolate box classic with a B&B twist. Sit back and relax with a nostalgic voilet tea that will take you back to being at Grandma’s house.

I’ve erm, never had a violet cream in my life and I’m not really a fan of overly floral tea but let’s give this tea a go!
First Impressions

Like with the Tea & Toast blend (which, by the way, got great reviews from friends so I’m very tempted to get more), this is a pretty looking tea due to all the flowers! The dry leaf reminds me of flowers and chocolate, which aren’t my favourite things to have in a tea so I’m feeling rather ambivalent about the tea.
Tasting Notes
As with before, I tried this two ways – plain and with milk. That said, I pretty much ignored the 4 minute brewing recommendation for the straight tea and only did the 4 minute steep for the milk tea version.

Straight, the tea smells like a cross between candy and flowers. To my surprise, I actually really enjoy this tea. It’s definitely got a strong floral note (I assume this is violet?) but it doesn’t go overboard. I didn’t really get chocolate notes per se, but it does remind me somewhat of Karel Capek’s Cream Chocolate Tea.

Once milk is added, the light brown tea liquor lightens a little more. Unlike the Tea & Toast blend, the tea + milk version of the Violet Cream tastes really similar to the straight version. I don’t hate it, but since I normally drink my teas straight, I don’t see myself reaching for the milk carton when I next brew this tea.
Overall Thoughts
This turned out to be a rather pleasant surprise! I’m usually not a fan of floral or chocolate notes in my tea, but as I write, I’m happily drinking this for the second day in a row. And now, I’m tempted to try the violet cream candy.
I love the heart you made out of the tea leaves!!
Thank you! I had fun with this photo!