
March Rereading Madness: Day 11

So, I didn’t manage to read that much yesterday, but it’s okay because my meeting tonight got pushed back so I have a lot more reading time! Since Tuesday, I have managed to:

  • Start on Of Bees and Mist, the book that I’ve been wanting to reread for years but never got round to it. I’ve been thinking this is a magical realism story but now I realise that I’m wrong, it’s a straight up fantasy, but with almost no rules to the magic. Still, I’m enjoying this very much and I think I’ll be able to finish it later tonight.
  • One more chapter of The Tale of Genji. There is one funny section about how Genji’s best friend thinks that Genji is having an affair with a much older lady (around sixty, so old by their standards), so he decides to have an affair with the same lady to see what it’s like and the two end up in a standoff that neither of them wanted to be.

And that’s about it! I’ve got a dry run tomorrow night for an event later this month (not the tea one, which still has seats available btw!) so I may not be able to get a post out, but I will still be reading.

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