
Tea Review: Happy Cherry Tea by Karel Capek

Quick question: did anyone thing I was done with tea reviews because I finished reviewing all the teas from The Tea Crane and mentioned I was really good and hadn’t bought tea? If you know me, you probably know that I always have new tea to taste. To my credit/due to my restraint as of late, I do have fewer unopened packets of tea, so I will probably reduce frequency of tea posts to about once a week instead of twice a week.

Anyway, enough rambling – here’s the tea for today: Karel Capek’s Happy Cherry Tea!

From what I can tell on their announcement post, this is a limited edition novelty tea that was given when you hit a certain amount of items in your cart. Looking at the date, I probably got it last year but it’s just been sitting around till now.

This is the description of the tea (followed by my translation):

「甘」+「爽渋」+「活」 “Sweet” + “Refreshing” + “Lively”
From one of the few tea gardens in misty Nuwara Eliya, we have picked the best teas from them and blended it with an exciting cherry flavour. We recommend you have this with soda water!

Tasting Notes

As you can see, the tea liquor is a very light brown, which I think is because Nuwara Eliya is considered the Darjeeling of Sri Lanka and so the teas are lighter. The dry leaves smell fruity but not too sweet (I had images of glacé cherries and was worried the tea would taste like candy). The tea tastes pretty much like it smells – there’s a strong cherry taste that lingers but you don’t feel like you’re eating a cherry candy.

Overall thoughts

I have to admit, it’s quite a change to switch back to flavoured teas after spending so long drinking straight teas. But, the cherry notes here don’t taste very artificial, so I enjoyed this tea (especially with some scones!). If you’re a cherry fan, it may be worth keeping an eye out to see if this tea will ever come back in stock!

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