Hey friends! I’m back from my trip!
EDHEC partnered with IEDC Bled School of Management to bring us to Slovenia for our sustainability learning expedition.

Although the trip was only 5 days long, we managed to pack a lot in our trip and managed to:
- Learn about sustainability and stakeholder engagement
- Visit 3 different companies to learn about their sustainability efforts
- Carried out one sustainability challenge, where we worked on a problem posed by one of the three companies that we visited and presented solutions at the end of the week.
- Listen to a talk on how Ljubljana carried out a sustainable revitalisation; and saw first-hand what pedastrian-only zones did! I was also impressed by how they focus on redeveloping degraded areas and making use of existing buildings instead of cutting down the forests for new facilities
- Listened to an eye-opening speech on climate change by Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, a climatologist who was part of the Nobel prize-winning team that worked with Al Gore (I found that this talk complemented the talk we had on climate change in microeconomics as they approached the topic from two different viewpoints)
- Learnt about how Bled carries out sustainable tourism and the challenges of protecting the natural environment when it’s also the main attraction.
- Attended an original and inspiring talk on what music can teach us about management (IEDC specialises in combining art and business so I found this very interesting!)
Visiting the port of Koper Visiting salt fields!
To be honest, this was a very intense week and I was often very tired after the end of classes/company visits. But I enjoyed how practical the lessons were and I felt like we were learning and experiencing new thing that wouldn’t be possible in Nice.
Since we left on a Saturday and came back today, we had about two and a half free days. I didn’t think I was going to do a lot of touristy things, but on reflection, I have quite a few things to share, so look out for some Slovenia-focused travel posts in the coming weeks!
this looks like an absolutely stunning area!!
It is! I can’t believe Slovenia wasn’t on my travel radar before this!