
2021 Year in Review: Looking Back and Looking Forward

What a year! I don’t think anyone expected the pandemic to last this long, but despite Delta and Omicron doing their best to make everything go back to early 2020, things still happened. One of the biggest things that happened is that I decided to do an MBA and moved to France to start it! It’s pretty incredible to think that this time last year, I was still in Singapore and now, I’m living in a whole new country and trying to pick up my fourth language.

I went back and looked at my keywords for 2022, and well… let’s just say I’ve not done very well on the “rest” one. School has probably increased my need to be productive, so every time I start resting, I feel slightly guilty about it. It does help me finish all my work on time, but I do need to learn some balance.

For the creating and consuming words that I’ve been keeping as my theme for the past few years, I’m actually pretty happy with that! I’ve been learning about Heian Japan, writing a series of posts on sustainable tea farms and brands, and generally, I like the topics that I’m learning about. I haven’t written as much fiction as I would have liked, but there are only so many hours in the day!

So for the coming year, I think I’ll be trying to focus on balance, that no matter what I do and what I plan to do, that I don’t go overboard and can still find the time to rest.

With that in mind, I’ve got a trip in the first week of January to attend a school event, so I’ll be taking a break from posting for that! See you all in the second week of January 2022!

14 thoughts on “2021 Year in Review: Looking Back and Looking Forward

  1. I don’t blame you for not keeping up with the rest goal! You’ve certainly had a busy year going back to school! I am glad that you shared your travels with us, though!

    1. Thank you! I didn’t want to say I am going to focus on rest this year too, because I know school is going to keep me busy hahaha

  2. You have accomplished so much this year, Eustacia. You should be very proud of yourself. So much change for the good! Balance is a good strong word. A healthy word. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip and may your New Year a great one!

  3. I have heard you emphasize “rest” and “balance” before, but you still produce more than any other person I know, engaging in more activities than most two people could dare to complete! Don’t know how you do it, but I enjoy reading about your exploits. Happy New Year!

    1. I keep talking about wanting more rest but I seem to be very bad at actually doing it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Happy New Year to you too!


    A 2021 full of MBAs, France, and rest sounds like a pretty amazing year — and a 2022 of balance is something to look forward to. I wish you every success on finding that happy medium.

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