
Quick Tea Reviews: A Fabulous Selection Infusions & Thés Bio by Clipper Teas

I got a box of Clipper teas around the end of last year and I’m actually finishing the box right now, so I thought it would be fun to just write quick reviews of each tea! I remember liking Clipper teas when I first started getting into teas, so I thought this would be a nice selection to have.

This selection consists of three tisanes and three flavoured teas.

Detox Infusion Bio: I’m not sure what I wasn’t expecting, but it wasn’t such a fruity tea. There’s hibiscus in it (in fact, it seems to be the main component) so it’s a rather tart and fruity tisane. If you’ve had hibiscus tea before, you can more or less imagine what this tastes like.

Marchand de Sable Infusion Bio: This is a tisane made of camomile, melisse and lavender and according to google, melisse is lemon balm. For me, this tea had a lavender scent and the taste is a nice mix of camomille and lavender. It’s not overly floral, so really easy to drink for me. Personally, this was my favourite tisane, even though I’m normally not a fan of super floral teas.

Citron & Gingembre Infusion Bio: This is a citrus and ginger tisane and as expected, I enjoyed this one. The ginger note is really subtle, in my opinion, and it’s mostly a citrus tea that is slightly sweeter than expected. I actually really like this – I would say it’s more of a “digestive tea” than the detox tisane, but mostly because I’ve been told to drink either citrus or ginger if I overate.

Thé Noir Petrouchka Bio: So what the Mariage Freres advent calendar taught me was that a Russian black tea is basically a black tea with orange and this is why I knew what to expect from the Thé Noir Petrouchka Bio. The orange is pretty distinct when the tea is brewed, but it’s fairly subtle when I drink the tea – I notice it more after I drink the tea compared to when I’m drinking the tea, if that makes sense. Orange is still not my favourite thing to put in tea but this was pretty good.

Enchanting Thé Blanc Framboise Bio: This is a fruity white tea that is impossible to oversteep. I really taste the framboise (strawberry?) notes in this, though more as an aroma than as a taste. But what I really like is that the tea never gets bitter no matter how long I leave the teabag in the cup. This is definitely one of my favourites!

Fabulous Thé Vert Citron Bio: This one had citrus notes in the scent, but not so much in the tea itself. The tea is somewhat sweet with just a hint of lemon. I wonder where this green tea is from because it doesn’t really remind me of a green tea from China or Japan – it’s closer to a ceylon green tea I had a few years back.

Overall, this was a fun box of teas to have! I shared a few teabags with friends and the Enchanting Thé Blanc Framboise and the Marchand de Sable Infusion were both really popular, so those would be the top two that I recommend.

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