
What’s Up?

Hello friends!!

Guess who is almost at the end of her MBA? It feels like time has just flown past – I was just getting used to France and here I am back in Singapore again!

I will be spending this week finishing up my thesis and then re-starting my work, so I think that my posts may continue to be irregular for a while.

But you know what? I’m actually okay with that. There was a point in time when I was stressing myself out posting on a schedule for the blog and Instagram, and now I’m okay posting to the blog when I have time. I’m still on Instagram, but it’s slowly losing its power and I’m not checking it as often as I used to (I hope I didn’t just jinx myself).

So anyway, I’m excited for what’s coming next! Not just in life, but hopefully also finding a new blog rhythm and hopefully eventually going back to writing fiction too (I’ve got a zombie influencers story that I’ve been wanting to get feedback on but I keep forgetting to post regularly to Wattpad).

P.s. One place that I have been slowly creeping back towards is the telegram channel I set up on a whim, mostly because it’s the only place I can share links (and it’s always fun when someone messages me because of something I shared!). If you’re on telegram and want to occasionally get a message about books and/or tea, here is the channel link.

P.p.s The blog might get a bit confusing because I went to some really cool places in my last month and I still want to share about it, so I might be toggling between France and Singapore in my blogposts for a while!

10 thoughts on “What’s Up?

  1. Time flies when you’re having fun.

    It’ll definitely be interesting to see what the future will bring. In your case, hopefully nothing but good times, amazing books and yummy and sustainable tea 🙂

  2. Wow! I can’t believe you’re finishing it up already! Congratulations! I certainly enjoyed experiencing all your travels with you, so I am looking forward to your future posts!

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