
Book Review: Perfect Prey by Helen Fields

Thanks to The Last Girl to Die, I realised that I hadn’t read the second book in the D.I. Callanach series. So I decided to let Perfect Prey skip to the front of the TBR series and borrowed it from the library.

Perfect Prey starts off with two ghastly murders – a young man eviscerated in the middle of a festival and an old woman brutally killed, every bone in her body broken. The M.O. of the two murders are different, so they must be by different killers. But as more people die and when Luc and Ava realise that graffiti describing the victims is turning up before the victims are killed, they realise that all the murders are linked and they are running out of time to prevent the next murder.

Even though it’s been some time, I’m pretty confident in saying that I enjoyed Perfect Prey more than the first book, Perfect Remains and I already enjoyed the first book quite a bit! Both the plot and the character development were well done; I won’t say too much about the plot because I don’t want to give any spoilers, but basically it reminded me of a Christie novel in a good way. I really wonder if this was an hommage or something unintentional.

Now about the character development: I was very sure, finishing the first book, that Luc and Ava were going to be in a romantic relationship. So I was very surprised to find that they were just friends in the second book and Ava was in fact, dating someone else. It was a pleasant surprise that they didn’t automatically end up together and I’m really curious to see how their friendship will develop because they have quite a bit of chemistry! I’m also enjoying Luc’s personal development – it’s feeling a lot more genuine now that he had to work on his own, compared to the first book where it felt like Ava was somehow magically influencing him for the better.

Overall, this was a great second book! Now I really want to continue the series, but it will have to be shelved with the other “series I want to continue” on the TBR list.

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