
Tea Review: Muscat Oolong by Karel Capek

Hello tea friends! Things have been slow on the tea front, but I am working on a teapot post that I hope will be useful. Today though, I just want to share about a tea that I tried recently.

The tea is Muscat Oolong aka a grape-flavoured oolong! I was really excited for this since Karel Capek generally does a great job with flavoured teas.

Tasting Notes

Although this tea is in teabag form, it comes without the teabag tag & string because it’s supposed to be meant for cold brewing, where you pop it in a jug or bottle and leave it for a couple of hours. Obviously, I still tested this both ways because I generally drink my tea hot.

Brewed with hot water: the tea brewed light, which was a surprise because I thought the flavours would be stronger so that the cold brew would be flavourful. But the muscat flavour, though distinct, wasn’t overpowering and it was still a good cup of tea.

Cold-brewed: surprisingly, the tea was just as flavourful when cold-brewed; I guess the longer brewing time helped to draw out all the flavour. Apart from the muscat, I also managed to get a light, floral note that I think is from the oolong. The fact that the flavour was slightly more complex here means that the cold brew was my favourite, even though I’m generally not a fan of cold teas (maybe I’ll brew it in room temperature and see if that works).

Concluding thoughts

If you like grape-flavoured teas, I’m pretty sure that you will like this! As always, Karel Capek’s flavouring is on-point. I personally wish that the oolong would be more obvious in the tea, but I think it would be hard since the oolong seems to be quite light. I’ve got another Karel Capek tea in my tea stash so stay tuned!

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