
Tea Review: Sunset Garden by Renegade Tea

It’s been a while, so it’s time for another review of a renegade tea. As a recap, I bought a sample pack of tea from Renegade Tea Farms and I’ve been slowly going through them. This time, I thought I’ll try a green tea called Sunset Garden.

Here’s what Renegade Tea farmers have to say about this tea:

“Sunset Garden is one of the first recipes of green tea that got to our “approved” section. It has stayed there ever since and proved to be a favourite to many. The smell is brothy, even a bit roasted. The taste is nicely balanced – it has a grassy, vegetal flavour with hints of flowers in it. “

First Impressions

The tea leaves are long and dark (especially considering this is a green tea)! It smells somewhat vegetal to me, so I’m not too sure what I’ll be getting – this will be an adventure!

Tasting Notes

So the fun thing about this tea is that I got two really different experiences and only enough tea to have two sessions which means there is no tie breaker for this. Both sessions were fairly consistent (i.e. the notes I got from the first and last steep were the same) so I’ll just write both up and you can let me know what you tasted if you’ve also had this tea before.

The first time I had this tea, it had close to zero sweetness. Mostly, what I got was a vegetal and savoury note. Interestingly, even when I forgot about the tea and left it to steep for several minutes, the taste of the tea liquor remained mellow without any bitterness.

On the other hand, the second tea session was very different. The tea liquor here had a nutty sweetness that reminded me of Renegade Life. There was also a slight vegetal note in the tea, which was interesting to have alongside the sweetness.

In both instances, the tea leaves were good for three to four steeps, with the fourth steep being really light in terms of taste. The spent leaves were very green, unlike the dry leaves.

Overall Thoughts

This is a fairly delicious tea! While it didn’t wow me the way Renegade Life did, I still enjoyed trying it out. From what I’m tasting, I tend to prefer the green teas from Renegade more than their blacks, but I still have a few more teas to test this theory on; I hope my next tea review will be up soon!

2 thoughts on “Tea Review: Sunset Garden by Renegade Tea

    1. Right?? I think it shows that tea is a subjective experience and you should take reviews like mine with a pinch of salt!

What do you think?