
Back for 2023!

Happy New Year my friends!

If you’ve tried to access this blog for the last few days, you’d have noticed that the blog was done. Not because I wanted it to be inaccessible, but because I’ve somehow exceeded my bandwidth limit. Given that 99% of websites use less than 5GB of bandwidth a month, and I’ve got considerably more than that, I must have been doing something wrong. But I’ve changed a few things on the backend so hopefully, we won’t run into the bandwidth-exceeded issue again.

For the past few days, I’ve been taking it slow, baking (from a box, but a festive M&M box so it’s been fun), and just enjoying reading and time with family without the pressure to blog. I’ve got to say, it’s been good and I’ll probably like to be more intentional with my internet presence this year. How that will look like, I’ll be taking a bit longer to figure out. I’m hoping I don’t procrastinate over this like I did the second half of 2022.

While we slowly go back to regular/the new-regular programming (I’m not planning to write as many end-of-year posts as before but I would like at least two – one for reading and one for podcasts), I hope you and your loved ones have a lovely new year!

10 thoughts on “Back for 2023!

  1. I wouldn’t know what to do if I had that bandwidth issue. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to think about it soon. I’m also taking things slow, trying make life more organised for 2023 so I don’t feel overwhelmed in trying to be everywhere and doing everything at the same time. Wish you amazing 2023.

    1. I hope you don’t have to meet it! It’s really my fault – I should have been monitoring the monthly bandwidth usage but I never had this problem with my old hosting so I didn’t think to do it!

      Hope you have an amazing 2023 too!

  2. Glad to see it’s back up. I had no idea what that bandwidth thing meant and wouldn’t have known what to do if it was me, so kudos to you for knowing what to do. Hope the new year is a great one for you.

    1. It took some googling (and asking around) before I tried the current fixes! And I had to rollback one because it was affecting my images so… I foresee more trial and error in the future.

      I hope you’ve had a smoother start to your new year!

What do you think?