
I need your questions about tea!

Hello friends! While I’m full of the “new start” energy a new year brings, I want to make a move on this project that I’ve been wanting to do for a while – writing a book about tea! As you may know, I bumbled my way around tea-drinking for a while, but was lucky enough to get a job related to tea which really helped me to understand it (plus, I took some courses).

Since I’ve already been writing “Tea 101” blogposts on and off, I wanted to expand on those and make a guide/ebook for people who want to get into tea, but don’t really know how. Currently, I’m planning for a book that covers:

  1. How you want to drink tea – choosing the best brewing method for you, based on how you like your tea (not everyone has to use gongfu cha!)
  2. How to make tea – choosing teapots, how temperature plays a role, etc.
  3. An eclectic introduction to various teas (oolong, matcha, etc)

But is that what you’d want to know? Should I add in a section on sustainability in tea, or is that too advanced?

More importantly, if you’re a tea drinker, what are the questions you had when you were starting out/you have now, that you can’t quite seem to find the answers to?

I think that it’s easy for tea enthusiasts to get very technical, which may actually make things harder for people who are trying to get into tea. So please comment and ask away – I’ll try to answer and I’ll also use this to make the book more useful (and provide momentum for me to continue working on this).

4 thoughts on “I need your questions about tea!

  1. Wow, that’s great news. I hope you have a lot of fun writing this book!

    Not much of a tea drinker myself. But considering how much you know about the topic and how important it is, it’d be a waste not too include a chapter about sustainability in tea, even if it’s just the basics.

  2. This is an amazing project! Can’t wait to read the book down the line. I work at Wild Orchard Teas and would love to offer some insight into regenerative farming in tea, which is inherently linked to sustainability. Regenerative farming has the ability to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and reverse damage already done to the planet + soil.

    I’d love to connect!

What do you think?