Hey friends! I’m finally opening the second tea I got from Seoul, which means that soon I can go back and open the sencha I got last year. This is a black tea that I came across while just walking around and wanted to give it a go.
Unfortunately, I don’t read any Korean. All I know is that this is a black tea (홍차) from Daae Tea House, an organic tea farm so this review will be short and sweet (or maybe not).
First impressions

Since these are all in teabags, there isn’t much to see. The tea smells quite woody and light, pretty similar to a Japanese black tea.
Tasting Notes

If I were to sum this tea in a word: light. Even with the recommended two-minute steep, the tea was very light gold colour with woody notes. It’s very smooth, with no bitterness or astringency, but it also has no sweetness to it either.
The first time I tried this, I made the mistake of making it my usual way and trying to do multiple steeps. That was a mistake because all I got were two very light cups of tea. Now that I’ve had it a few times, I really think one teabag is good for one small-ish (150ml) cup of tea and that’s about it.
Overall Thoughts
I hate to say this about any tea, but I’m really not a fan of this. It’s far too light for my liking, and I would prefer to be drinking with a bit more kick to it.
I need to get more into Korean teas, I feel there is so much to discover there. I gotta say that the brown palette on the label is amazing.
I really like the packaging – it’s quite easy to grab some tea and seal it up again. I def should be trying more Korean teas too but there are far too many teas to drink!