This is going to be a short review because it’s mostly an art book. I considered just putting it on Goodreads to track my stats but it’s so cute I would still like to share it with you (sidenote: I don’t like this mindset I have that short reviews aren’t worth posting for posterity here and I need to deal with that someday).

A Teacup Collection, like the title suggests, is a collection of teacup paintings. All the teacups are from the collection at the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown. Molly Hatch writes an introduction on how this project came to be, and Kathleen Morris writes about how the Clark collection came to be.
I borrowed this book because I was fascinated by the paintings. Most cups get two pages – one page for the cup itself, and one page with information about the cup and some paintings of details that Hatch particularly appreciated.

While reading this, I noticed that most of the cups came from France, which is something that is personally intimidating to me because most of my cups are from England and I’ve been so good about not buying more teacups that I feel this might be tempting me to get more just to “round out” my collection! But I have to face facts: I use all my cups and they will never appreciate in value so I don’t need to own too many (unless I really like them and want more).
TroopsonPrint was actually the one who recommended this book to me, and if you like cute illustrations and pottery, I highly recommend you check out her Instagram! Her posts always bring joy when I see them.
Hi there, Eustacia! This does sound quite wonderful. The artwork on these teacups are gorgeous and I could see myself caving in to get my hands on some pretty ones for our place too hahah Thanks for sharing!
Hi Lashaan! Yes, I agree these are gorgeous pieces – it’s a good thing I didn’t find these earlier or I definitely would have tried to hunt a few down!
Sounds informative book. I love floral designs on tea cups and love that green and cream one most. As my morning tea is always 2 cups large I prefer mug and I have more mugs than tea cups.
The teacups here are soooo pretty! Not suitable for large cups of tea, sadly. Mugs are definitely the way to go if you want more tea at one go