I’m not sure if it’s possible but I am somewhat rushing my teas for the last third of this month because December is close and that means CHRISTMAS TEAS! I’m not sure if I’ll get my advent calendar in time, but I am looking forward to drowning in teas.
In the meantime, I’m trying to mitigate the incoming “damage” by drinking as much tea as possible. Here are the last four Lupicia teas that I’ve managed to finish.
Kabosu Vert: The dry leaves have a very strong citrus smell, almost like bergamot. In terms of taste, this tasted like a citrus or even Earl Grey green tea. The citrus note is stronger at lower temps, and I don’t really taste the green tea. Honestly, the flavouring feels a bit artificial to me so I’m not a huge fan.
Plum Green Tea: Interestingly enough, can see jasmine buds in the tea. The brewed tea smells like plum with a hint of jasmine; it’s a really delicious scent. The tea is well-balanced, with the green tea and plum notes workinng in harmony. The jasmine note is more in the scent (it’s very soft in terms of taste). I really like this tea – it’s an interesting one to enjoy. I found that hotter water makes the jasmine notes more pronounced and a longer steep makes the plum notes stronger.
Oolong grape: As expected, there was a strong grape scent from dry leaves. The tea leaves were rolled into balls, quite dark but the size looks even. I could see some flower petals in dry leaves but I’m not sure what for. I could taste the oolong notes in the brewed tea but the dominant flavour was grape; I wish the grape wasn’t as strong because it would be nice to get more oolong! This problem gradually went away as the grape note is less pronounced in the later cups, but then it becomes clear the oolong isn’t of fantastic quality (which explains why they put so much grape).
Qutea: This was a decaf black tea with muscat and French pear. I can taste the pear quite strongly, the muscat a bit more faintly. I quite like that the pear taste dominates, and for some reason this reminds me a bit of a Karel Capek blend rather than a Lucia blend.
That’s it for now! I just remembered that I have one more tea-related post (not a quick tea review one) to write so hopefully I do that before December comes around.