With Love from Japan

Tanabata 2016

I don’t really talk about Tanabata here, because it’s not a very big festival, but I did go and see the illumination at Fukuoka Tower, so I wanted to share that! But first, the Tanabata-themed wagashi that I bought: Cute, but extremely sweet. I’m not done with it yet ><  I did here that there… Read More Tanabata 2016

With Love from Japan

ICPC Youth

Finally, my long-delayed recap of ICPC Youth aka the reason I was in Tokyo in the first place. The first part of ICPC Youth was a presentation, and it… well, it went better than expected, but to be honest, I expected that it would go badly. But let’s back up to before that. We got… Read More ICPC Youth

TacoTalks, With Love from Japan

Why People Get Disillusioned With Japan (Some Theories)

It seems like among the people who came to Japan to study with me, a very high proportion of them become cynical/disillusioned about Japan. A minority end up leaving (although homesickness plays a big part in this too), a few end up complaining about Japan all the time, some find themselves swearing more/being more negative… Read More Why People Get Disillusioned With Japan (Some Theories)

With Love from Japan

Update/The Throne

I’m back! Did anyone miss me? XD I arrived back in Fukuoka today, after a really, really quick trip home for my cousin’s wedding. I’ve actually got a lot to blog about (although I’m not sure if I should be blogging about my cousin’s wedding. Maybe I’ll just talk about the other things in Singapore),… Read More Update/The Throne

With Love from Japan


Lately, I’ve noticed quite a few Ajisai (hydrangeas) blooming around the neighbourhood, and being a sucker for pretty stuff, I’ve stopped and taking photos. They’re all iPhone photos, because I don’t make it a habit of going grocery shopping with a DSLR in tow, but the flowers are really too pretty not to share. I… Read More 紫陽花(Ajisai)