
Rereading: The Secret Countess by Eva Ibbotson (and comparing it to The Morning Gift)

I have always loved The Secret Countess (aka A Countess Below Stairs) and it is my second favourite Ibbotson book after Journey to the River Sea. So obviously I had to get myself a copy when I saw it being sold at an extremely reasonable price. The Secret Countess is about Anna, one of the… Read More Rereading: The Secret Countess by Eva Ibbotson (and comparing it to The Morning Gift)


Books with Cottagecore Vibes

Living in a city, it’s perhaps unsurprising that I’ve been fascinated with something that doesn’t exist in my very Asian, very urban hometown: cottagecore. According to the BBC’s article on Cottagecore, such impulses may be due to a desire for simplicity and anti-modernity (though this is acted out on the Internet). But at any rate,… Read More Books with Cottagecore Vibes


Book Review: An Introduction to the Apocrypha by Bruce M Metzger

My cousin got married recently and in true bookworm fashion, I have already borrowed a book from my new cousin-in-law! Since he and my cousin are theology students/graduates, I found an introduction to the apocrypha (literally the subject and title of the book) on their shelves. Like the title says, An Introduction to the Apocrypha… Read More Book Review: An Introduction to the Apocrypha by Bruce M Metzger


Keywords for 2021

Happy New Year everyone! On paper/computer screens it seems like we’ve left 2020 behind but in real life, not much has. Singapore entered Phase 3 (groups of up to eight!) a few days ago and we’re likely to continue that for a while. This year, apart from continuing my two 2020 keywords to consume thoughtfully… Read More Keywords for 2021