With Love from Japan

Treading Water

Hey everyone. I know I haven’t been blogging regularly for quite some time. It’s not that I’ve forgotten about this blog, far from it, but that after the holidays where I had nothing to say, school turned out to have so many things going on that I’m barely treading water.

Right now, I have 4 book reports due in Japanese, which means I have to read four books (and search for 3 of them, because they’re out of print), then write four reports by the end of this month. I’ve only finished reading 2 books and writing 1 report. Yeah… barely treading water as it is.

Three of the books in question. 

I have lots to say about tutorials and the start of the 3rd year, but I don’t think I’ll have the time until after Golden Week.

Sorry, and thanks for being so patient!

(If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments below or drop me an email using the widget in the right sidebar)

What do you think?