With Love from Japan

Happy 2016!

I can’t believe that 2016 is already here! Like, I know yesterday was New Year’s Eve, but it still doesn’t feel like a new year.

Unlike last year, it did not snow, which was good. My family also wasn’t here, which was bad. It was noisy and crowded, not to mention that this time last year, we were in Kumamoto, probably back at the hotel after dinner, and I really miss them and all that.

This year, I continued to indulge in the time honoured tradition of shopping (Yay for 初売りand 福袋!). And since I did nothing else (I also refused to study, so I spent the rest of the day playing Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney – awesome game, by the way), I figured I’d just do a 福袋 haul report.

Oh, and before that, I did the 9 best photos of Instagram thing. First up, my personal instagram account:

And since I was also in charge of the instagram account for the Saga International Balloon Fiesta (Fun time, even if I did get rather sick), I decided to take a look at which were the most popular photos for that account:

And it has so many more likes on average too.

Ok, so on to the lucky bags!!

First up is the Franc Franc! I didn’t dare to move it too much cause it’s for my cousin haha. Anyway, this is the unisex box, so the colours… Actually I think they match the colour scheme.

Cost: 5000 yen + tax

Items: towel, fragrance + fragrance sticks, mug cup, canister, cushion, market bag and lunch plate. Total 7 items.

Next is Rivet & Surge, which I impulsively bought cause the things in the shop were cute. I got the cheaper version, cause I wanted to avoid getting a coat but…

Cost: 5000 yen + tax

Items: Black Coat (I always get black, I don’t know why), 8300 yen Plain navy turtleneck (actually, this will be useful), 1900 yen Hedgehog bag: 1900 yen I don’t know what this is but it looks like a jacket but is made out of this super fluffy material and feels awesome. Is it pyjamas? Am I allowed to wear it out? I have no idea. 4600 yen.

Total value: 16,700 yen.

Not a single cute animal shirt inside (shop was full of it). Then again, I’m supposed to avoid ‘too cute’

Ok, this is the last one that I super impulsively bought because geta!! I can’t really remember the name of the shop though. But I was pretty happy to be able to buy the last bag with Geta (the cool thing was that the lady showed me the contents of the bag even before I bought it.

Cost: 5000 yen + tax

Value: 20,000 yen (supposedly)

Items: geta, furoshiki (cloth that’s used to wrap stuff), bath materials, pouches, handkerchiefs, bag, and er… Something called お酒落ハラマキ – something to wrap around your stomach?

Altogether there are 9 items, and most of them are Japanese style – super cute!! I actually think this was the most worth it out of the three I bought today hahaha.

Ok, last fukubukuro would be the Liz Lisa, which was delivered an hour after I came home (good timing, right?)

The bag’s actually bigger than I expected, and is pretty roomy. I can see myself using it a lot haha.

Cost: 5000 yen + tax

Items: bag, one singlet (which will be useful for early spring and stuff) and one dress, which looks like this:

I’m not too sure, but I think it’s a long top rather than a short dress? I have no idea. I’m not good at fashion.

And this was basically my shopping haul for today 😀 I’m pretty happy with how much I got, especially since I managed to avoid all the 10,000 yen bags (last year, I think I spent 20,000 on Liz Lisa lucky bags alone).

To end (since I’m guessing all the guys must be so bored with my post), here’s a picture of a few cute dogs I saw today!

What do you think?