With Love from Japan

Papers/Exams OVER + Sub Zemi 説明会

Everything is finally over!! My one week of continuous 徹夜 (all nighters) is finally over. I can sleep at a sane time tonight! I can play my Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney tomorrow! I don’t have to wake up early on Friday (plus it’s center exams).

*cheers and cheers and cheers*

So to recap, on Monday, around Midnight (I guess that makes it Tuesday?), my subzemi paper was submitted. On Tuesday, I submitted my main zemi paper. I got back yesterday, wrote a third essay, and submitted it today. Oh, and I studied for a test that was on today, and despite general tiredness, somehow managed to answer all the questions.

I just wanted to share because I am SO HAPPY. Some breathing room at last.

Also, did I share about the mochi ice-cream? Because if I didn’t, I need to do so.

Oh, and today, we also have the sub-zemi 説明会 (introduction lecture? Not sure what to call this). And since my sub zemi is known as the “Black Zemi”, and because my teacher watched Star Wars recently, we went with this theme:

the caption reads “Welcome to the dark side” and then “Black is beautiful”

Well, I guess we can’t be accused of misrepresenting ourselves.

Although when it was time for the students to present, we took a slightly different tack and decided to become Jedis.

Caption reads “We’re looking for more comrades. May the force be with you”

Oddly enough, I had probably an equal number of questions about my main zemi as I had for this zemi. I guess it’s because everyone realised that this was the second time that I appeared, and decided to ask for a comparison?

At any rate, I really do hope that a few girls join both zemis. But not if it doesn’t suit them :p

What do you think?