
A MysTEAry

Just a random post today.

So I have a decent collection of tea. My dad would say I have too much tea but I know people with more so I’ll stick to ‘decent’. Most of it is on a counter in the kitchen while the rest is in one cupboard. That should make it easy to keep track of, right?


To my great consternation and sadness, I’ve lost three packets of tea!

One of my beloved Rose Royale, which I’ve talked about before in this post. Thankfully, I’ve managed to get another tin to replace it, courtesy of my wonderful cousin.

The second is a packet of Ette’s Ice Kacang tea, which disappeared after a tea party. I didn’t even get to try this one, which is sad (although I was told that the Nasi Lemak tea, which I still have, is better so I suppose it’s not all bad?)

The third (so far. Hopefully for good), is my Lupicia Sakura Vert tea. I haven’t opened this one either and was really looking forward to trying this! It’s kind of ridiculous that this disappeared because it’s a set of two with the Sakura & Berries tea and that is perfectly fine.

Anyway, I’ve searched my cupboards a couple of times and asked around but my entire family swears that they haven’t touched my teas. So I guess my teas decided to go for a walk together and ended up getting lost. With any luck, they’ll find their way back home soon.

(End random post)

What do you think?