
The Odd 1s Out by James Rallison

A little while back, my brother introduced me to the Odd1sOut’s videos. Partly because he wanted me to buy him this book for his Christmas present. Since I ended up enjoying the videos too, I borrowed the book from him when I was done.

The Odd1sOut’s book is a collection of comic essays he wrote. Some, like the one about Harry the Moth, are from his youtube videos, while others were new. I’m not sure which were original to the book because I haven’t watched his entire playlist but I a lot of them felt new to me. There are a total of thirteen essays and they talk about things like Harry the Moth (I see why he’s iconic), job interviews, and haunted houses.

Even though there’s already a Youtube video, both my brother and I enjoyed Harry the Moth the most. It manages to make the death of a (very brief) childhood pet funny. I also enjoyed Freshman Year, which was about a mixup regarding him and his sister, while my brother enjoyed the Science Fair story (we didn’t have that in school).

I enjoyed this book. The essays were fun and they’re in the same voice as his youtube videos. It’s a mixture of comic and essay, in the same vein as Allie Brosh’s Hyperbole and a Half. The Odd1sOut, though, is definitely aimed towards younger kids, since the topics are more about school life and the various experiences there. If you’re a fan of his youtube videos, you definitely have to get this.

What do you think?