I saw this book tag over at The Hobbleit and it sounded so fun that I decided to just jump in. So here’s my first ever (un-tagged) book tag:
1. You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How in the world do you decide what to read next?
I actually have a similar problem and the thing is, my TBR is broken into several lists. Because apparently I just like to make it hard for myself to keep track of what I want to read.
For ebooks, I tend to just scroll through the wishlist until I find one (or three) that I want to read. For physical books, I normally just go to the library and see what they have available. I can normally find two or three books that were on my TBR there.
2. You’re halfway through a book and you’re just not loving it. Do you quit or are you committed?
My TBR list is way too long and I’m not spending time on books I don’t enjoy when I could be reading something else. I normally quit way before the halfway mark, though.
3. The end of the year is coming and you’re so close, but so far away on your Goodreads reading challenge. Do you try to catch up and how?
That has never happened to me but I’ll definitely want to catch up. I suppose that I’d just prioritise shorter novels until I caught up.
4. The covers of a series you love do. not. match. How do you cope?
I don’t actually pay attention to covers matching so this is not a problem.
5. Every one and their mother loves a book you really don’t like. Who do you bond with over shared feelings?
I’m sure there’s someone that didn’t like the book either. I’d probably just go to Goodreads and read through the one-star reviews to comfort myself with the fact that I’m not the only one who didn’t like the book.
6. A sequel of a book you loved just came out, but you’ve forgotten a lot from the prior novel. Will you re-read the book? Skip the sequel? Try to find a synopsis on Goodreads? Cry in frustration?!?!?!?
It depends on whether I have the first book and how long it is. I wouldn’t mind rereading, but most of the time, I’d either re-read my review of the first book or look for the synopsis on Wikipedia.
7. You do not want anyone. ANYONE. borrowing your books. How do you politely tell people nope when they ask?
You can’t borrow things you don’t know exist.
But seriously, I’m pretty okay with people borrowing books as long as they return it. In fact, I’m normally the one pushing an additional book that I think they’d be interested in as they leave the house.
8. Reading ADD. You’ve picked up and put down 5 books in the last month. How do you get over your reading slump?
Go through my TBR list and keep starting books until one catches my attention. This is a great way of culling the TBR list.
9. There are so many new books coming out that you’re dying to read! How many do you actually buy?
None because I’d get them from the library first. New books are the most expensive and I don’t have that much money or space for them.
10. After you’ve bought the new books you can’t wait to get to, how long do they sit on your shelf before you get to them?
The books will sit in the bags that they came in (or on the table next to my computer) until I’ve read them. If I shelve them, then there’s a good chance I’ll forget about it. Because of this, I still have books from the Books Box Sale lying around in a box.
This is a fun tag! I am the same way, I will quit a book if I am not liking it, I just have too many other books I want to read!!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who reads this way! Would love to read your tag if you also did it 😊