Taco's Stories

I won NaNoWriMo 2019!

Yup, exactly what the title says. Very fittingly, I hit the 50k mark on my second write-in. It’s pretty satisfying to start and end NaNoWriMo on the same way.

One thought: I just finished Cal Newport’s Deep Work (review to come) and I realised that what he says about regularly using your mental faculties is true. Writing was very difficult at the start and my first story was just above 10k words. But as I experimented with my rebel NaNoWriMo, I started getting used to the practice of writing every day and my current story, which has yet to be completed, is the longest one yet. It might actually get close to an actual novel.

I’d really like to keep this writing habit going and I think for that to happen, I’ll have to cut back on blogging. I really enjoyed doing the daily post thing for the past two/three months but it definitely took up a lot of time. I’m not too sure how this will impact the posting frequency because I’m already down to three bookish posts and two tea posts a week (plus an update post if I have something like NaNoWriMo going on) but I will figure it out. Slowly. And with lots of trial and error.

Although that said, I have two advent calendars this year, one tea and one chocolate, and I would really like to talk about the tea one (at least) so I am probably going to do a weekly update post for that. Which means I probably won’t be dramatically cutting down the number of posts immediately. I did consider using Instagram stories but it’s not something I’m know very well.

Finally, I hope that everyone doing NaNoWriMo is ending well! I really benefited from this because it pushed me to do something that I’ve been wanting to do but procrastinated. I hope that above all, your NaNoWriMo has been a time where you expanded your limits and realised that you can do a lot more than you thought.

Featured Image: The NaNoWriMo winner banner from the site

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