I managed to read about a hundred more pages of Brave Story today, so I’m now into the Vision part of the series. Vision is basically something that Wataru thought up and because he likes video games, it’s really like an RPG.
Although I remember enjoying the adventure the first time I read Brave Story, I’m getting so much more out of the book now and I credit the fact that my brother introduced Zelda: Breath of the Wild to me for that. Because I’ve been playing the game, the RPG aspects of the novel are more obvious to me now. Unsurprisingly, the story has also been made into a game.
This is completely off-topic, but is anyone getting mixed up with regards to days of the week here? I woke up thinking that today was Friday and didn’t realise it was Thursday until four or five pm! The last time I got this mixed up, I was in suffering from major jetlag and that only lasted a day or two.
Since today is Thursday, I guess I’ll be able to finish Brave Story sometime during the weekend. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at Bakewell tarts too, but since I don’t really have time during the weekdays, I guess the weekend is time for that!
(On the bright side, I’m still able to spend some time working on my WIP during the weekday and I am counting that as an absolute win!)
Tea of the Day
I woke up today craving tea but not sure what tea I was craving (perhaps that’s why I was unclear about what day it was?). It took about an hour or so but I finally realised I wanted some sencha so I brewed some of this:

I got this on my last trip to Japan and it’s actually almost finished! I’m really going to miss this tea but on the bright side, the Sayama tea farms should have some tea for me to buy soon. I’m definitely looking forward to that!
I didn’t realize Brave Story was a book first! I know of the game, but now I want to read the book. 🙂 I, too, love Breath of the Wild. It’s so immersive! I started replaying it during quarantine and it’s just as wonderful the second time — though I’m making progress much faster.
Oh yes, I also lose track of the dates. It’s the weekend that’s hard for me! I have a 9-5 that I’m still able to do remotely, so weekdays are easy. But when Sunday comes around sometimes I think it’s Saturday or Monday. so weird.
I think it got turned into a manga and movie as well! If you’re into games, I think you’ll really enjoy it because so far, the fantasy is very game-based (: