At long last, my Book of Tea from Lupicia is here! It was stuck at the Tokyo post office for a month and I refreshed the tracker page on my phone so often it became one of my most visited sites. I decided to film a short unboxing video for this but realised after editing that it leaves a lot to be desired (I didn’t realise that my tripod was so sensitive to the table) so in this post, I’ll be sharing more photos and my thoughts!
First look at the thing – isn’t it beautiful!! I have an older edition which I also really liked but I really love the fact that they’re using 30 scenes from Japan as the inspiration!
The Book of Tea comes with 30 teabags, a small tin of Japanese black tea with honey apple, a small dish for putting snacks or a used teabag, and an explanation booklet.
The booklet tells you more about the teas. I like that index has symbols to tell you if a tea is good with milk, if it’s non-caffeinated, if it’s good with lemon, or if it’s decaf. Each tea gets a page explaining the picture on the teabag (which is great or I will feel so sad every time I rip open a teabag and have to throw it away) as well as some information on the tea.

Here’s a shot of all the teabags! Aren’t they beautiful? I’m super glad that I got this, even if it did take a long time to come.
Oooh so cool! I wanted to get that as well but I still have some teas stuck in postal limbo. I’d keep those satchets, they’re too pretty to throw away. 😝
I am SO tempted to keep the sachets tbh!
The postal limbo is so tough! I know it can’t be helped, but I still wish my teas would get here faster!
Ooh, this looks so delicious!
Yes! And so pretty!