As Singapore continues to open up as part of Phase 2 of the circuit breaker exit, it’s pretty clear that we’re exiting our version of the lockdown. I made pretty good progress on my existing teas during the lockdown so I thought it was time for a Sipdown post!
Here’s what I managed to finish:
Chamomile Almond Tisane

Although there are only eight tea bags in this, it still took me almost half a year to finish because… it’s not really a tea I reached for. It’s a pleasant tea but chamomile just isn’t something I crave. If this was minty (like the Mysteaque Tea I received from Em at A Geeky Jock), I would have finished this in a week.
Duck Shit Dancong

This is actually my second order of Duck Shit! I loved the first packing I got so much that I went out and got more. Now, though, I feel like I’m ready to explore other teas (and dancongs)!
Twining’s Cold Infuse (Watermelon, Strawberry, and Mint)

This is another repeated buy – I first had someone buy this back for me, and then I got it when I went to London last year. What I forgot to account for was that in the time between the first time I drank the tea and the second time I bought it, my tastebuds changed as I was drinking more straight teas. So while I still liked this, I did not drink it as often as I did when I had my first bottle.
Hoshino Fukamushi Sencha

This was from my trip to Japan last September and I was so sad when I finished this because it was one of my favourite green teas! Actually, I was very sad when I finished all the green teas (I think I finished the other two packets before this, but I can’t remember if that was before the circuit breaker or not because I didn’t take a photo).
Sencha is definitely something I can’t get enough of.
Yunnan Purple Bud Tea

As with the duckshit and a few other teas on the list, this was something that I ordered twice. I really enjoy the floral notes in this purple bud and the leaves are just so pretty! It’s a great tea and I’d still recommend it to people who are used to flavoured teas and want to explore straight teas, or are just fans of white teas in general.
O’Sulloc Volcanic Rock Tea

This may be the tea on this list that I finished the fastest but it’s really delicious! There was this weird bitter/medicinal note the first time I sampled this tea (when I cold-brewed it!) so I avoided cold brewing this and kept it to a max of two infusions. That helped me to avoid the bitter note and was probably a reason why I finished the tea so quickly.
Bird & Blend Matcha Tea

I dragged this as long as I could but I’ve finally (and regretfully) finished this. I had a lot of fun with the flavours here and I’m definitely interested in try more now that I’ve made enough progress that I can whip my matcha till it foams. I’ve got some matcha that just came in so I won’t have to go without, but I’m highly tempted to get their matcha advent calendar later this year, even though it’s pretty pricey.
And these were the teas I finished! I think it’s even more than my December Sipdown, which just goes to show that I can finish a lot more tea when I’m at home.
What a great idea for a post! 😀
Thank you!