
2021 Teacup Collection Update (Part 1)

So I’ve been putting this post off because I know that I bought quite a few teacups in 2021 and didn’t want to face the consequences of my impulsive buying habits. Even the thought of tackling all the new teacups at one go was too much, so I thought I’d split the post into two parts – so here you go, the first 7 of my new teacups.

Teacup Stats:

Teacups acquired: 19 (I think? Some of the teacups I moved to Malaysia may have been newish)

Teapots acquired: 1 (+1 new one so that doesn’t count)

Teacups moved: 4 (I attempted to make my collection look smaller by moving some of them to Malaysia, but got stopped because I haven’t been back)

Teacups One by One

First up is a green Rosyln trio! The backstamp for this dates to 1958-1963 and there’s a handwritten number on it: 8771. I wonder if that’s the pattern number?

Next are two duos that I consider perfect for Instagram because the pattern is on the inside of the cup (basically it’s great for flatlays). On the left is a Royal Stuart teacup that reminds me of autumn – this was supposed to be a trio but the sadly, the cake/sandwich plate broke. According to the backstamp, this would be from 1951 onwards.

The duo on the right is from Aynsley and the backstamp dates it to between 1939 and 1960. There is also a number on it, which I managed to confirm is the pattern number – this is a Seville 6874.

Since I’ve shown you one Royal Start teacup, let me show you my other one! This is from the same time period as my now-duo set, and I’m pretty sure it’s part of the Harlequin series.

Next up is an Imari-design teacup from Park Place China, Reid’s England. I’ve been using The Potteries to date the backstamps and the backstamp here is very similar to the 1913+ stamp, only the bottom doesn’t have the words “Reid’s England”. But, I managed to find my trio on another site called Collectable China and the description there dates it between 1913 to 1921, so this may be one of my oldest teacups.

This next teacup is definitely newer. It’s a Queen Anne trio, pattern 8540 and it’s from 1959-1966.

The last teacup in this post is this Royal Adderley trio. The back helpfully has the pattern name on it, so I’m quite confident in saying that this is a Royal Adderley Ophelia trio from the 1960s.

So these are my new-ish (new since the last update post) teacups that were located in one convenient place. Stay tuned for part two of teacup updates, happening when I have the strength to face my spending habits again.

11 thoughts on “2021 Teacup Collection Update (Part 1)

    1. These 7 are in shelves above my books (I have three stands for them haha). But… I have more in drawers haha. The dream is to get a display cabinet for all of them!

What do you think?