
Time for some dedicated rereading (2022 ver)

You may have noticed something different about today – I posted my book review much earlier than usual! That’s because for the first half of this week, I have the opportunity to work from home, which means I am going to save a lot of time commuting and during my lunch break. So, to take advantage of this opportunity, I thought it would be good to spend a week rereading the books I have and appreciating them.

After all, while the TBR list is never-ending, it makes no sense for me to own books that I don’t touch. So rereading week it is!

Today, I wanted to go back to a classic, something that would lift my spirits. And so, I picked up Pyramids (I’m almost, but not quite done, which is amazing considering how little I’ve been reading!). Pyramids is one of the standalone Discworld books, as Teppic, a newly minted assassin, realises his father has died and therefore he’s now the Pharoah of Djelibeybi. The late Pharoah, on the other hand, is discovering that death brings a lot of clarity but also doesn’t let him communicate with other people.

As expected, I’m really enjoying this. Pratchett has managed to work in a lot of references to philosophy and maths, including the concept of pi and Zeno’s paradox. Of course, being Pratchett, he makes fun of all of that.

Given that this experiment is limited to the time I have to work from home, I’m not sure how many books I will be able to reread. So it’s going to be a challenge to pick books that I will enjoy and won’t take too long; hopefully deciding what to read does not take too long!

P.s. I also managed to bake a cake today (sadly blocked in the header picture) but it wasn’t very successful which means I’m going to talk about it.

5 thoughts on “Time for some dedicated rereading (2022 ver)

  1. I get that so hard. You can save so much time working from home. And it’s always fun to reread a book you love.

    One of the weaker Discworld books for me to be honest though. The epic Doctor Who reference and You Bastard the camel are pretty fun though.

    1. Haha yeah, too bad my job generally requires me to be on-site!

      I have just finished the book and completely missed the Dr Who reference :p Agree that You Bastard the camel was fun!

      1. Let’s just say that every single time I read the word “Djelibeybi” I always heard it in Tom Baker’s iconic voice, which made it impossible for me not to smile.

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