
Book Review: What Katy Did at School by Susan Coolidge

I’m continuing with the What Katy Did series since I have the first three books! What Katy Did at School is a direct continuation of What Katy Did, and so will have spoilers for the first book.

At the end of What Katy Did, Katy has recovered from her prolonged illness and can finally stand and walk again. Unfortunately, having to stay in bed and endure helplessness has made Katy a lot more solemn, which I guess is good for an invalid but not so good for a teenage girl. As a result, her father sends her and her sister Clover off to boarding school, where they can mix with girls around the same age and Katy can hopefully regain her spark.

Since most of the book is set at the boarding school, tonally the book was consistent throughout and I liked the book better for it. Boarding School stories are generally fun and we have some really interesting characters here – from the stuck-up and dramatic cousin Lilly (who I would have liked to see more of) to the prankster Rose Red.

Of course, since her illness has rubbed off her rough edges, Katy doesn’t really engage in pranks here. She even sets up a secret society to help girls to have fun without flirting with the boys. But, her ability to be friends with almost everyone, especially Rose Red who is so different in character, and the fact that she does stand up for herself when the need calls for it shows that Katy is maturing into the type of person you would like to be friends with (even if it makes for less exciting reading).

One question that I have after reading this book is: what age group is this for? Younger readers will probably want more fun, and books like Mallory Towers or Naughtiest Girl would be more appealing. Older readers will probably be hoping for some romance, or at least for more to happen. It’s a tough question and I think something that shows how much children’s fiction has changed (apparently, the Katy series was written in response to demand for more books like Little Women).

Overall, I enjoyed this more than the first book, which is good and bodes well for the third book, where Katy goes to Europe.

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