
SustainabiliTEA: NPO Agriculture Support Team in Saitama

Hi friends! For the second post in this sustainabiliTEA series, we’ll be taking a look at not one, but a group of tea farmers in Saitama! These farmers have banded together under the non-profit organisation NPO Agriculture Support Team in Saitama (Japanese name: NPO法人 埼玉農業おうえんしたい) and they are doing some pretty cool stuff! What is Sayama… Read More SustainabiliTEA: NPO Agriculture Support Team in Saitama


Another Month in Photos

So I coincidentally finished another roll of Gudak photos a month after the previous one. And since I wanted to write a short update post saying: “hey, I’m leaving on a school trip and only have two scheduled posts, so you may not see me as much” (this is the whole update), I thought I’d… Read More Another Month in Photos